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TMurgent Video Series:  \Videos\3Seminars

These are mostly videos from Seminar and Workshop sessions that have been publicly made available from past BriForum conferences. The BriForum videos are actually links that will take you to the BriForum site for these sessions, so if a link is missing please let me know because sometimes they reorginze their site.  If there are temporary problems in streaming I may not be able help, however sometimes right-clicking to use the "save as" feature to download to your PC before viewing may help.

Windows System Performance Through Cachingis a preview of my book of the same title.

And Then There Was Poweris a walk through the Windows boot process.

Inside the Microsoft OS: Perceived Performance and Virtual Machines is the second of two sessions I did on Perceived Performance.  This is all about measuring end-to-end performance from a User's perspective in the server based computing world.  In the session I describe how I measure Perceived Performance, as well as results from testing terminal servers.  This session also extends the discussion to look at what happens when you put the terminal server in a VM, such as one might do using VmWare or Microsoft Virtual Server.  The video is about 60 minutes.

Inside the Microsoft OS: When Applications go Bad is a two part video; each part runs around 60 minutes. These sessions look at a variety of poorly behaved applications and how they affect system performance. Part 1 focuses on CPU issues and part 2 on Memory issues.

These educational videos are provided for the education of the community free of charge. All videos are Copyright © Brian Madden, and may be freely viewed from the site. Copying to another website is a no-no, but we encourage posting of links to this site.

\Videos\3Seminars\5 Inside OS-BadApp Part 2\Folder.PNG
\Videos\3Seminars\4 Inside OS-BadApp Part 1\Folder.PNG
\Videos\3Seminars\3 On Perceived Performance\Folder.PNG
\Videos\3Seminars\2 Power\Power.png
\Videos\3Seminars\1 Windows Performance Caching\Caching.png